Ford Motor Company is the latest recommender of increasing the miles between your oil changes. For 2007 models and anything subsequent, Ford has said that 7,500 miles is sufficient. Ford gives credit to the oils even more than the improvements shown in engine technology as reasons for
the altered recommendations. The days when new cars needed only 3000 or 5000 between oil changes is long gone. Many manufacturers, including Honda and GM, give no recommendations at all. They rely on sensors in most of their cars to tell you; because, after all, the life of every car is unique. GM's Peter Lord talked about the use of technology rather than across-the-board recommendations: 'We are absolutely confident of the technology. We back it with a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty now, so there's no doubt in our mind that this technology works." There's no doubt that elapsed time and the age of the vehicle can contribute to the misapplication of these recommendations. And, every carmaker phrases things a little differently. Nevertheless, there's no doubt that that engine technology and higher quality oil are contributing to you saving $ in the service departments.
Gm Ceo Says Report On Handling Of The Ignition Recall Is "deeply Troubling", Fires 15 Employees
GM CEO Mary Barra today announced that the company has received the findings of an investigation by former U.S. Attorney Anton Valukas regarding the Cobalt ignition switch recall. The executive described the report as “extremely thorough, brutally...
Acea Wants Carmakers To Adopt Standardized Charging Plugs For Evs
The European Union has already agreed with cell phone manufacturers to adopt a common charger format for their new phones. Therefore, consumers we will be able to buy a new phone without a charger, which up until now, was different to the one used by...
Vw Introduces Cylinder Shut-off System On 1.4-liter 4-cylinder Tsi Engine
Volkswagen is already at the forefront of fuel-saving technology, as evidenced by both its production models and frugal concepts that we will see at the Frankfurt Motor Show. But now the German are taking another step forward by introducing a new technology:...
New Design Package For Bmw Z4 Roadster
Starting from September, BMW Z4 buyers will be able to outfit their roadster with a new styling package called Design Pure Impulse. The Bavarian automaker's new pocket digging scheme adds unique style to the two-seater model through a combination...
Detroit 2008: China’s Byd Shows F6dm Electric-hybrid Sedan
BYD, one of the five Chinese companies that made it to Detroit this year, showed off four models at its stand including the F6 large sedan with BYD’s DM (dual mode) electric hybrid system, a technology that the company claims will revolutionise...