Need for Speed Russian Drivers Avoid Crash in Style

Need for Speed Russian Drivers Avoid Crash in Style

Many Russian motorists get a lot of stick on the internet for their driving skills or lack thereof, but we have to admit that, in this incident, and even though they were at fault for speeding, these drivers handled themselves like…gaming pros. Read more »

- In Russia, If You Don't Succeed Hitting A Pedestrian At First, Try Again In Reverse…
Who knows why some people, or to be more specific, drivers, do the things they do. If you take a few minutes to watch the following video, you will understand what we mean by this. One of the many recording devices used by Russian motorists captured...

- Drivers' Random Acts Of Kindness Restore Faith In Russian Humanity
If it's not an amazing save, if not all, most of the rest of the videos sourced from Russia that end up on the internet show the dark or the incompetent side of drivers in the country. We are fully aware that this is not the case for all Russian...

- Russian Road Rage Incident With Man-purse "boy" Ends With A Bang
As it seems, Russian drivers have become so immune to extreme road rage cases that when someone pulls out a gun and shoots at a fellow commuter in broad daylight it simply causes them to laugh – no kidding, as you will soon find out for yourself....

- Excuse Me While I Drift Right By You Around The Corner
We have seen many videos of Russian drivers trying to overtake motorists at stoplights, but most of those filmed attempts that make it on the internet for our amusement end up in tears and shattered metals. Not this one, though, as the driver of the...

- Plum Drunk Lorry Driver Goes On The Wrong Way Of The Uk's M6 Motorway
A Hungarian truck driver, who spent his afternoon sipping homemade plum brandy and beers with other drivers while watching a Grand Prix before he terrorized motorists on a West Midlands motorway by driving his lorry on the wrong side of the M6 with his...

