Men Smash Bus Window, Bus Driver Smashes Through Their Car!

Men Smash Bus Window, Bus Driver Smashes Through Their Car!

The holiday season comes with frayed tempers and long lines, so it's easy for things to get out of hand, as they did in Chile when a minor fender bender turned ugly.
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- Skoda Aims To Keep Your Dog Safe While You Drive
With the holiday season in full swing, dog owners everywhere are either already on their way or just getting ready for that long summer road trip. The dog comes too, obviously. Read more »...

- Can You Help Potty Mouth Texas Granny Find Hit And Run Driver?
An older lady driver was involved in a three-car fender bender in Amarillo, Texas, on Monday, March 16, 2015, which she fortunately recorded through here two-way dash-cam. Read more »...

- Chuck Norris Approved: Truck Driver Thrown Out Of Cabin During Crash Lands On His Feet!
You have to see this accident to believe it. In the video footage that follows, we see the driver of a long lorry suddenly turning left into the other lane to avoid a crash with another truck that had stopped in the middle of the road – who knows...

- Video: Crazy Nissan 350z Accident Results In Awesome Parking Job!
An extremely violent accident involving what appears to be a Nissan 350Z (we could be wrong on the model though) that flew over a wall at a parking lot and which could have ended in a drama, surprisingly turned into the most awesome parking job we have...

- Ebay: Scorched Ferrari F430 Spider For $110k
Would you be tempted to take out $110k from your bank account to acquire a semi-burnt 2007 Ferrari F430 Spider? The damage looks fixable at first sight and a new F430 Spider would actually set you back more than $200k. However, we’re talking about...

