Meet The New Lotus 3-Eleven, The Fastest Road-Legal Model Hethel Has Ever Built

Meet The New Lotus 3-Eleven, The Fastest Road-Legal Model Hethel Has Ever Built

Lotus has revealed its latest model at the Goodwood Festival of Speed and it’s none other than the track-focused 3-Eleven, the fastest and most expensive machine that came out of Hethel.
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- Lotus Adds Evora 400 To Driving Academy Fleet
Lotus has renewed their entire Driving Academy fleet, as five Elise 220 Cup, two Exige S and one Exige S Club Racer join the new Evora 400 on the famous Hethel test track in Norfolk. Read more »...

- Lotus 3-eleven Visits The ‘ring, Proves Capable Of 7-minute Lap Times
Lotus sent its latest creation to the Nurburgring for further testing, with the 3-Eleven covering over 2,000km on the iconic track. Read more »...

- First Lotus Evora 400 Built, Deliveries Begin In August

- Lotus Confirms China-made "lightweight" Crossover
Lotus is currently developing a “revolutionary” five-door crossover at the company’s Hethel design studios. Described by CEO Jean-Marc Gales as “the world’s first lightweight SUV” and a “real Lotus,”...

- Lotus Celebrates 60th Birthday With $266,500 Diamond-set Europa
Continuing its 60th anniversary celebrations, Lotus has produced a real gem of a car, and we mean this literally as the customized Europa coupe has received a special treatment from East Anglia’s diamond specialists, Winsor Bishop. The diamond-set...

