LOL! Moose With Gases Emit More C02 Emissions Than Cars

LOL! Moose With Gases Emit More C02 Emissions Than Cars

Forget about SUV’s and M5’s; pundits have discovered a new foe for the environment – the Moose! According to researchers from the technical university in Trondheim, Norway, a full grown moose expels via farting and burping, the methane equivalent of 2,100kg of carbon dioxide emissions. Scientists’ support that’s equivalent to the CO2 output resulting from a 13,000km (8,000 miles) car journey. Even though that’s kind of vague, meaning its different doing 8k with a brand new MINI than with a 10 year old Dodge Ram, nevertheless, the findings are impressive. -Continued: Click "Read More..." below

Scientists say that moose are involved in an environmentally vicious circle of increasing gas emissions due to their changing eating habits. “Moose normally eat branches in the winter, not a particularly nutritious diet,” said Erling Solberg, of the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. “But since snow has become so much rarer they have access to wild blueberries.” This results not only to fatter moose that are more prone to expel wind from both ends, but since they are healthier, they are reproducing faster. Norway alone has 120,000 wild moose on the loose!

“To put it into perspective, the return flight from Oslo to Santiago in Chile leaves a carbon footprint of 880 kilos. Shoot a moose and you have saved the equivalent of two long-haul flights.” said the biologist Reidar Andersen. A tad far fetched don’t you think Mr Anderson?

Via: timesonline

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