Innovative Mudflaps Significantly Reduce Spray for Passing Vehicles

Innovative Mudflaps Significantly Reduce Spray for Passing Vehicles

Passing by a truck or even a large commercial vehicle during heavy rain on a highway can be a nightmare due to the extensive “spray” that these type of vehicles produce. A British company called “Spraydown” however, promises to give an end to this problem thanks to a new device called “Air Water Separator Spray Suppression Mudflap”.

This innovative mudflap comprises of a panel formed from series of vertical vanes that form a number of passages running from front to back, with each passage having one or more changes of direction and a number of water-collecting pocket formed by the vane. What this mudflap does is that it allows the vehicle spray (comprising air and water) entering these vertical passages to change direction on more than one occasion. Since water is heavier than air, it gets pocketed whilst the air component of the spray will readily change direction and continue through the passage. -Continued

Even if the Some water will escape a first pocket but will tend to be caught by the next pockets provided at other changes of direction in the passage. When caught in a pocket, the water runs down the pocket and is deposited directly on to the road. The air component, however, passes through the passages of the panel to exit at the rear side of the panel.

Via: Straightline , Source: Spraydown

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