Honda CR-V Tailgating Bicyclist Gets the Shaft from Police Officer

Honda CR-V Tailgating Bicyclist Gets the Shaft from Police Officer

The absence of marked bicycle lanes on the road can cause problems for both cyclists and motorists, but that doesn't mean drivers should act like tailgating fools.
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- Watch This Cyclist Toss A Car Standing In His Way
Bicycle lanes were made - you know, for bicycles, so when cyclists come across cars illegally parked inside their lanes, let's just say they're not happy about it. Read more »...

- Group Of Speeding Cyclists Confront New Hampshire Police Chief - Who Do You Side With?
When bicyclists, motorists, and motorcycle riders share the same roads and some do not adhere to the law and to reason, there is bound to be friction and irritations. A video sourced from a bicycle-mounted camera recently surfaced on YouTube showing...

- Tailgating And Middle Lane Hogging Will Be Punished With A £100 On-the-spot Fine In The Uk
The UK government plans to enforce new fines from July for drivers caught hogging the middle lane and tailgating. Any drivers nabbed doing any of the two offences will be fined £100 on the spot and will have three points deducted from their license....

- Help The Police Find A Bmw Driver Who Almost Killed Beverly Hills Bicyclist
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- New On-the-spot Fines To Target Britain’s Persistently Reckless Drivers
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