Here's Why Telling Drivers Not To Double Park Is Dangerous In Russia

Here's Why Telling Drivers Not To Double Park Is Dangerous In Russia

The team from “Stop a D-Bag” returns with a new video in which the movement’s young members are embarking into a difficult (and dangerous) task. They are trying to convince drivers of double-parked cars in St. Petersburg to go and look for proper parking spots.
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- Russian Drivers Busted On The Sidewalk Again, Things Escalate Quickly
The youngsters from Russia’s “Stop a D-bag” movement are back with a new video, but with a similar theme: chasing drivers off the sidewalks. Read more »...

- Asshat Audi R8 Driver Is Just Asking To Be Rammed By Mazda3
If we told you that, there was a fairly new, and evidently, very expensive Audi R8 sports coupe, and a mainstream Mazda3 on a city road, and that one of the two drivers was provoking the other one, performing dangerous moves, who would you think that...

- Angry Birds, The Russian Highway Edition Guest Starring Goofy
After watching this video, you can add birds to the strange but true stories that take place on Russia's vast, and at times, rather dangerous network of highways and roads. On a side note, not that we are at all surprised, but the flock of birds...

- Senseless Driver Gets What He Deserves
While we sincerely hope that no one was hurt in this accident, we cannot say that we feel for one of the drivers involved in the crash. A pair of motorists - most likely in Russia - was squabbling on the road, with the driver of the grey hatchback being...

- Turning Around A Parked Car On A Flatbed Trailer Is A Risky Business
To save space and transfer as many vehicles as possible, this company parked a bunch of small city cars side by side on what looks like a double decker, flatbed truck trailer. Evidently, placing the cars this way on the truck is as difficult and dangerous...

