Here's What The First Ever Koenigsegg Looks Like

Here's What The First Ever Koenigsegg Looks Like

The Koenigsegg One:1 and the Regera are truly astonishing cars, bearing innovative technology, performance figures and build quality. But their idea and concept must’ve come from somewhere…
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- Finally Hear The Koeningsegg Regera’s Engine And See Its Spoiler
The Koeningsegg Regera has got to be one of the most highly anticipated cars in a while. The technical solutions it proposes, along with the whole plusher, more comfortable Koenigsegg idea just make it stand out. Read more »...

- Koenigsegg Regera Moves On Video For The First Time Accompanied By One:1
Koenigsegg has only just started making the one megawatt car, the One:1, and it’s already surpassed its performance and desirability with the hybrid Regera. Read more »...

- Meet The World’s Most Powerful Hybrid Supercar Ever: The Koenigsegg Regera
It’s true; Koenigsegg has broken every record of sanity with the Regera, a hybrid hypercar with a combined output of 1500hp. However, this is not the only number that gives you a pleasing headache. Read more »...

- Koenigsegg’s Regera Will Be A Hybrid Monster
Koenigsegg kindly let us know that will launch a new model called the Regera in Geneva Motor Show a few days ago. Now the Swedish company released some more info on what to expect. Read more »...

- One-off Koenigsegg Agera S Hundra Heads To The Geneva Motor Show
While mainstream manufacturers build several hundred cars per hour, it takes small low production volume automakers like Sweden's Koenigsegg years to reach triple-digit figures. However, some ten years after they began customer deliveries, Koenigsegg...

