God Dang! Woman Drivers Gone Wild in St. Louis [NSFW]

God Dang! Woman Drivers Gone Wild in St. Louis [NSFW]

It's well known fact that Russia is king when it comes to dash-cams, which explains the number of videos circulating around the internet, but not the incidents themselves – well, at least not always, especially the crazy ones.

In the United States, there aren't near as many dash-cams fitted on cars (yet), but there are more than enough mobile phones with recording capabilities…

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- U Spy Bentley Bentayga Suv On Dashcam
Whoever said that dash-cams are only good for accidents, road rage incidents, and insurance frauds? Read more »...

- There's Hope After All For Russian Pedestrians!
If Russian dash-cams have taught us anything, it's that many drivers don’t believe that pedestrians have the right of way, but alas, we discovered a bright, shining ray of hope. Read more »...

- What The Hell Was That? Russian Dashcam Captures Massive Night Flash
A number of motorists recorded a mysterious bright orange flash that lit up the sky in Russia's Sverdlovsk region in the Urals on November 14 on their dash-cams. Read more »...

- Who's On The Right Side Of The Law, The Missouri Cop Or The Dashcam Driver?
As America plays catch up in the use of dashboard-mounted recorders on private automobiles that are widely adopted in many other countries such as the motherland of all dash-cams, Russia, more and more incidents emerge online. This one involves a ticket...

- Watch Two Inattentive Russian Drivers Get Themselves In A Mess
No matter how many times you view the two following incidents recorded on dash-cams in Russia, you won't be able to justify the actions of the two drivers, who simply put, weren't paying any attention on the road and ended up crashing their rides....

