GM Wants Increase Hybrid and EV Sales in China Despite Abysmal Volt Sales

GM Wants Increase Hybrid and EV Sales in China Despite Abysmal Volt Sales

It’s true that sales of the Volt haven't quite taken off in the way Chevrolet intended. Even in the US, where it is subsidized by the federal government as well as by some states like California, it hasn't been able to come close to GM's goal of 45,000 units in 2012 - though at 10,666 deliveries from January to July, it sold more than triple the numbers of the Nissan Leaf at 3,543 units in the same period.

It makes perfect sense then that it is almost non-existent in China, where its US$40K price is nearly doubled due to taxation imposed by the government on imported cars.

This is a fact that GM representatives readily acknowledge. Ray Bierzynski, the company’s head of electric vehicle strategy in China, won’t disclose any sales figure, but told Automotive News that the Volt is “a very low-volume” car.

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