Don't Cut Off Scooter Riders in Russia, they May Be Packing…an Angle Grinder!

Don't Cut Off Scooter Riders in Russia, they May Be Packing…an Angle Grinder!

People who prefer two wheels instead of four for getting around always swear by their motorcycles and some really seem to not like drivers very much, for no apparent reason. This is clearly evidence of bottled up hatred, as this particular scooter rider from Russia came equipped to deal with any driver who was to cut him off… Read more »

- Toyota Taxi Driver Panics After Being Chased By Scooter Riders, Chaotic Scene Ensures
Taiwan is quickly ascending our list of favorite countries to watch dash-cam filmed incidents - but don't worry Russia, you're still the number one in our hearts and how can you not be with clips like this and this. But let's get back to...

- This Scooter Mom's Act Of Kindness Should Serve As A Lesson To Us All
Most of the times, it’s the bad apples and their reckless actions that hog the limelight on the internet, so for a change, here's a dashcam video that records the actions of a kind hearted driver, or to be precise, a scooter rider. The young...

- Always Look Behind Before You Try To Overtake Another Vehicle…
There's a reason why vehicles and motorcycles have mirrors: for drivers and riders to use them to avoid getting into situations like this. It's your responsibility as a driver to pay attention to what's in front of you, beside you and behind...

- Gone With The Wind: Scooter Rider Edition
The vast majority of bikers involved in an accident, no matter how small it may appear to be, will at least sit down to take a breath even if they are not hurt, but not this scooter rider who crashed into the side of a Toyota Camry while attempting to...

- Old Man On A Mobility Scooter Out Runs Cops
Ever been stuck in what seems to be the worst traffic in the world and you swear turtles and little old men on mobility scooters are moving faster than you? A similar situation occurred when police asked a stubborn old man to pull over his scooter because...

