Cussing Wild Children in Pennsylvania School Bus Force Driver to Call Cops [NSFW]

Cussing Wild Children in Pennsylvania School Bus Force Driver to Call Cops [NSFW]

Being a school bus driver or an aide these days isn't as easy or as stress-free as it sounds. It hasn’t been that long since we told you about the story of the…"real life Lil' Monsters" from Greece, New York, who bullied an elderly bus attendant to tears last June, and now, we have another head-scratching and evidently, thought-provoking incident, this time from Upper Darby Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

A young man who we come to know under his YouTube alias "MrEverydays" was on board a school bus in the area when a group of young children, reportedly aged from 7 to 13 years old, went out of control, swearing like desperate sailors and with one of them, even pushing the bus attendant.

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- Elderly Lady Fogs Out Of Luck And Crashes [nsfw]
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- Instant Karma For Toyota Prius Cabby Making An Illegal U-turn
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- Judge Orders Woman Who Drove On Sidewalk To Pass School Bus To Wear "idiot" Sign
Remember the Jeep Compass driver who was caught on camera after repeatedly using the sidewalk to avoid waiting for a school bus loading and unloading children? The time of judgment came this week and we must admit, it wasn't what we were expecting…...

- Jeep Driver Uses Sidewalk To Bypass School Bus Only To Find A Cop On The Other Side…
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- Video Of The Day: Chinese Soccer Mom
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