

Curiously enough, just earlier this afternoon GCBC partner AutoEnergy took a look at the financial implications of selecting the less efficient 5-speed manual Honda Fit compared with the automatic Fit... in south Florida. Only a few minutes later, a video related to payways in Miami comes to The Good Car Guy's attention. Watch it below.

John Zarella notes that the use of these lanes on regular highways in Miami will cost more or less depending on traffic conditions. Perhaps just $0.25 will get you a quicker pass down I-95; but you might need as much as $2.25. 

Despite what's being said by a California transportation worker who oversees the Golden state's hot lanes regarding the makeup of payway users, the term "Lexus Lane" has still caught on. If time is money, then time saved by the rich - the ones who can pay for the faster trip - equals more money. For them. The rich get richer, creating the appearance of genuine capitalism in a country that's been called the United States of France only today.

- Watch This Cyclist Toss A Car Standing In His Way
Bicycle lanes were made - you know, for bicycles, so when cyclists come across cars illegally parked inside their lanes, let's just say they're not happy about it. Read more »...

- Nissan Suv Slams Stationary Honda Civic That Was Getting Ready To Street Race [nsfw]
We're not saying it can't happen, but the last thing you expect to see on an open road at night is two motionless vehicles occupying both regular lanes. Is it that difficult to see that this is something extremely dangerous for all parties involved?...

- Chevy’s Low Emissions Package Gives 2012 Volt Access To California’s Hov Lanes
The state of California has more than 1,400 miles of High Occupancy Vehicle, or HOV, lanes. Initially, only vehicles with two or more occupants could use them, in order to minimize congestion. However, as low-emission vehicles became more common, the...

- Watch A Florida State Trooper Arrest A Fellow Officer In A Police Car For Speeding!
Just when you felt life was getting a little bit mundane, along comes this video to remind you that anything can happen in this crazy world. A Florida highway patrol trooper who was identified by the Miami Herald daily as D.J. Watts, is making headlines...

- Video: State Trooper Forces Honda Civic Driver Out Of The Fast Lane
How many times have you come across a slow driver that refuses to let go of the fast lane? Probably more times that you can remember. In this video we see one of those drivers in a Honda Civic, the difference being that the person behind him / her is...

