Car Thief High on Drugs Tries to Pull a Great Escape on NY Cops [NSFW]

Car Thief High on Drugs Tries to Pull a Great Escape on NY Cops [NSFW]

Perhaps the best thing about the surreal incident caught on film between an alleged car thief, reportedly and seemingly high on drugs, and local police officers, which took place on the streets of Astoria in Queens, New York, is that no one was killed or injured – we say this, because it could have easily tipped one way or the other. Read more »

- This Crash Might Make You Believe In Karma
An alleged thief who, according to the video description, stole a vehicle from a gated parking lot, was administered some swift, albeit cruel, justice in Asia. Read more »...

- Bmw M5 Passenger Steals A Porsche 911 At A Gas Station
You never know when a thief will come knocking on your door to steal your car - or anything else for that matter, but you sure shouldn't make it easier for crooks by leaving your prized possession unguarded, unlocked and…with the keys in the...

- Man High On Crack Steals Police Cruiser In His… Undies Leading Officers On A Wild Chase [video]
If you are high on drugs, you can do some pretty foolish, and ultimately very dangerous stuff – like stealing a police SUV wearing nothing but your underwear, which is precisely what Ryan Elliot Cunningham did last Friday, December 23. It all...

- Naked Hummer Limo Thief Attempts To Run Away From The Police But Is Caught By Dog [video]
And just when you thought you've seen and heard it all, you run across another crazy story. According to ITN News, this latest bizarre incident took place in southern California on Saturday night when a naked man reportedly stole a Hummer stretch...

- Old Man On A Mobility Scooter Out Runs Cops
Ever been stuck in what seems to be the worst traffic in the world and you swear turtles and little old men on mobility scooters are moving faster than you? A similar situation occurred when police asked a stubborn old man to pull over his scooter because...

