Cane-Wielding Russian Grandma Crossing Highway at Night Narrowly Escapes Death

Cane-Wielding Russian Grandma Crossing Highway at Night Narrowly Escapes Death

Drivers in Russia receive their fair share of criticism for not giving way or paying attention to pedestrians, but you can't always (or only) place the entire blame on motorists, as this dash-cam footage reveals. Read more »

- There's Hope After All For Russian Pedestrians!
If Russian dash-cams have taught us anything, it's that many drivers don’t believe that pedestrians have the right of way, but alas, we discovered a bright, shining ray of hope. Read more »...

- Drunken Girl Struck Car In Russia
As we've witnessed so many times in dash-cam clips, usually, it's pedestrians who should be afraid of cars and drunken drivers in Russia, but in this instance, it's the other way around. Read more »...

- Watch Two Inattentive Russian Drivers Get Themselves In A Mess
No matter how many times you view the two following incidents recorded on dash-cams in Russia, you won't be able to justify the actions of the two drivers, who simply put, weren't paying any attention on the road and ended up crashing their rides....

- This Is Not Your Usual Russian Dash Cam Compilation
Believe it or not, Russian dashboard cameras are not only used to capture crazy accidents and suicidal pedestrians (among others), as sometimes, drivers happen to be at the right place at the right time when motorists make a nice gesture. One YouTube...

- The Only Thing This Woman Cares About Is Getting On The Tram…
Drivers from Russia and the surrounding countries often receive a lot of flak for not paying attention to pedestrians, but that's not always the case. Take these two women for example. Not only do they walk on the road instead of the pavement, but...

