Can You Explain These Consecutive Accidents?

Can You Explain These Consecutive Accidents?

Sochi is the Russian city that will play host to the XXII Olympic Winter Games in February 2014. It's also where two odd accidents took place on Thursday. Surveillance cameras captured footage of the crashes that happened very close in time with many commentators believing they're related. Read more »

- Must Watch: When You're Drunk, You Don't Notice Concrete Slabs….
Yay, for the Winter Olympics city of Sochi and drunk Russian drivers who keep us amused for months on end with their antics! We have the sneaking suspicion that one time won't be enough and you'll find yourself pressing the replay or play button...

- This Is Not Your Usual Russian Dash Cam Compilation
Believe it or not, Russian dashboard cameras are not only used to capture crazy accidents and suicidal pedestrians (among others), as sometimes, drivers happen to be at the right place at the right time when motorists make a nice gesture. One YouTube...

- The Perks Of Leaving Your Dashboard Camera Filming When Someone Breaks Into Your Car
Typically, the footage we get to see from dashboard cameras show accidents involving the car in which the device is mounted on or other, unrelated vehicles. This time, however, we get the opportunity to witness the temporary theft of the digital camera...

- Unbelievable! Sewage Cover Sends Land Rover Freelander Into A Flying Somersault
Imagine driving on a quiet street at low speeds when of all a sudden, without any warning or another car involved, your vehicle goes flying into the air. Crazy as it may sound, this is what happened to a driver of a Land Rover Freelander earlier today...

- Video: Caution, Dangerously Slippery When Wet…
Two separate, but equally frightening accidents that involved two large trucks and which took place on a highway in China's Hebei Province, were captured on a surveillance camera. The footage shows the first lorry driver losing control of the vehicle...

