BMW M3 Driver is Surprised by Tight Corner and Dives Off a Cliff

BMW M3 Driver is Surprised by Tight Corner and Dives Off a Cliff

Some say that BMW M3 drivers don’t have a good reputation and the following video will do nothing to change their perception. Quite the contrary, actually, as driving hard on a twisty mountain road that one doesn’t know is clearly not something a clever and cautious person would do.

Filmed by a camera mounted on the car’s rear lateral window, the video shows the driver of an E46 BMW M3 Coupe pushing the gas pedal to the metal on a winding road in Arizona in pursuit of an E92 BMW M3. He is clearly driving faster than his abilities and at one point is surprised by a tight right turn. Given the high entry speed, it's not much of a surprise that the car understeers and rolls over down the cliff.

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