Believe it or not, someone walked away from this with minor abrasions!

Believe it or not, someone walked away from this with minor abrasions!

When they say, “buckle up” they mean it and here is a huge example why. Earlier this week a man wearing his safety belt walked away with minor abrasions from the flattened vehicle that hit a stationary tractor trailer. The other two women in the car that weren’t wearing seatbelts are in critical condition. Needless to say, the car was totally demolished and it’s hard to imagine anyone walking away in one piece from such a crash. Especially involving a 25,000 lb trailer. Via: Local6
Posted by Dani

Technorati: Accident, Seat-belts, Safety, auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007

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