Audi gets into the Winter Spirit with New Snow Sledge

Audi gets into the Winter Spirit with New Snow Sledge

The Volkswagen Group has a tradition in designing unique snow sleds and offering them up for sale during the Holiday season. We've already seen several VW-branded products over the years and now, its Audi's turn to offer its own take with the Snow Sledge. Read more »

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- When Snow Piles Up, Mayhem Is Everywhere…
Perhaps for some - mainly the younger ones, it's the most wonderful time of the year, but for the rest, the winter snow season is always full of nasty and usually, costly surprises. In this footage, we see a group of cars, which from what we understand,...

- Volkswagen Styles Up A New Gti Snow Sled
Volkswagen is no stranger to the art of designing snow sleds as the German carmaker has marketed some nifty pieces modeled after its automobiles over the past few years. For 2012, the Wolfsburg-based company has released two new sleds that are currently...

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- Volkswagen Snow Sleds – Golf Gti & Beetle Herbie Versions Included!
Remember that classic Christmas present; a wooden snow sled composed of three pieces of wood and a couple rusty metal skids. Or even the make-shift ones composing of a huge plastic garbage bag? Well, Volkswagen has thought of a way to put those old wooden...

