Amazing: Blind Mechanic hires deaf assistant

Amazing: Blind Mechanic hires deaf assistant

We live in a world were possibilities are endless but we will admit this particular story surprised us. Larry Woody of Cottage Grove Oregon, a mechanic and car enthusiast of more than thirty years, suffered total blindness after a tragic car accident on an interstate highway. Not only did Larry continue to work on his 1968 El Camino, he recently purchased his own Automotive shop and has also hired himself a deaf assistant, Shima. You’re probably asking yourself, ‘how can this work’, right? Well, Larry handles the paperwork and billing with the help of a talking computer, feels his way around the shop and while working on cars, and talks to his deaf apprentice through an interpreter. Shima said that Woody inspires him because "he never gives up." Simply amazing. Via: Boston
Posted by Dani

Technorati: auto+news, car+news, automobile, cars, automotive, vehicles, Carscoop, blogs, 2007, pictures, images

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