

The GoodCarBadCar Numbers typically lets you in on North American sales statistics or interesting figures relative to a car or manufacturer. Today, these Numbers from Across The Pond - or ponds - are simply an amalgam of facts from abroad that may surprise you.


22,000 - sales of the Land Rover Range Rover Sport in Russia during the 2007 calendar year

17,600 - approximate sales of the supercharged version of the LR Range Rover Sport out of the total 22K

35,000,000 - total gallons of fuel saved by the 700,000 BMWs which will be sold in Europe this year with Efficient Dynamics, BMW's system of engine stop-starting and regenerative braking

24,897 - total Porsche sales outside of Germany & North America in the first half of its current fiscal year, a figure that's up 30%

17,000,000 - total cost, in euros, of Porsche's new offices and dealership in Moscow

52,862 - total new Honda sales in China in March, a figure that's 72% higher than March of 2007

16 - percentage increase in SUV sales for the first quarter of the year in Australia

9206 - total new Ford sales in Australia in March of this year, less than half of Toyota's numbers and a couple thousand behind Holden, GM's Aussie outpost

16 - total sales of Rolls-Royces by Abu Dhabi Motors, BMW's importer in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, in September of 2007

890 - square metres of showroom space for Abu Dhabi Motors' new Rolls-Royce showroom in Umm Al Nar to be opened in 2010

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- Hybrid Sales In America Drop In 2008? By The Numbers
After gas prices brought Americans to their knees in the summer of 2008, a time when the Honda Civic temporarily outsold the Ford F150, one would assume that hybrid sales rocketed upward last year. One would be correct in that assumption, right? Wrong....

- Canada Auto Sales Tidbits From 2008 - Numbers
Thursday is Numbers day at Already, you've read about luxury sales statistics in the U.S.A. and total Canadian car sales in 2008. Below you'll find a more detailed look at some of the more interesting Numbers from Canada's...

- Good Car Statistics
Statistics posted here yesterday were, as I remember, discouraging; depressing; and disgusting. You can read the bad car statistics with clicks here or here. But all this negativity... man, it's getting me down. It's past time that we improve...

- Bmw Money Talk
Suits, beancounters, corporate honchos: sit up and pay attention. When BMW starts talking dollars and cents (and euros), the numeric values are generally high and of great import. Grasping some figures that Bloomberg reported this morning, GoodCarBadCar...

